Manoa Falls
Latitude & Longitude:
A close drive from Honolulu, Manoa Falls is located in the heart of the Manoa Valley. The mellow hike will take you about one hour roundtrip and is 1.6 miles long. Terrain is easy to navigate although you should be able to maneuver around some large rocks. The reward is the 150 foot cascade seen in movies and TV shows like "Jurassic Park," "Lost," and "Hawaii 5.0." While in the area, visit the Lyon Arboretum for local Hawaiian flora.
Hikes • Scenic • Waterfalls
Manoa Falls
Manoa Falls
Manoa Falls
Manoa Falls
Manoa Falls
Manoa Falls
Manoa Falls
Manoa Falls
Manoa Falls
Manoa Falls
Manoa Falls
Manoa Falls
Manoa Falls
Manoa Falls
Manoa Falls
Manoa Falls
Manoa Falls
Manoa Falls
Manoa Falls
Manoa Falls
Manoa Falls
Manoa Falls
Manoa Falls
Manoa Falls
Manoa Falls
Manoa Falls
Manoa Falls
Manoa Falls
Manoa Falls
Manoa Falls
Manoa Falls
Manoa Falls
Manoa Falls
Manoa Falls
Manoa Falls
Manoa Falls
Manoa Falls
Manoa Falls
Manoa Falls
Manoa Falls
Manoa Falls
Manoa Falls
Manoa Falls
Manoa Falls